Monday, September 26, 2011

YouTube to Become a Television

YouTube Logo

The popular video site YouTube can become a full competitor to television.

Google is ready to spend over half a billion dollars to become more popular than TV.

Internet giant's plans for a TV broadcast through YouTube as a minimum include the creation of a complete alternative to standard TV.

According to two different sources, Google will spend between 500 and 600 million dollars, which is considerably more than the stated initial investment of $ 100 million to obtain professional video content.

Google not only negotiate with independent content providers who already work with YouTube, but operators of cable channels and even the companies for which the video is a secondary business.

It is argued that the Internet giant will spend tens of millions of dollars to conclude individual transactions. In this market, Google will compete with "veterans" in the industry at the conclusion of transactions.


  1. Obiviously youtube should be a TV it is a save and effective for all junoir and seniors..

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